Tonight I made a big batch of tabouleh. Not only do I eat it as a
salad in its own right, I also use it sort of like a non-spicy salsa,
adding it to just about everything, except maybe ice cream. I associate
tabouleh mostly with the warm months and don't make it much during
the winter. Today's batch was the first of the year!
Here's my large batch recipe (makes enough for a barbeque or party).
How does it differ from yours?
2 bunches of parsley, chopped finely, about 8 loosely packed cups
(I'd prefer flat leaf, but usually can only find curly leaf parsley)
8 Roma tomatoes, chopped, about 4 cups
1 large onion, chopped, a bit less than 2 cups
2 Tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint
juice of 3 lemons, about 1/2 cup
1/3 cup olive oil
1/2 cup cracked wheat, soaked in hot water then squeezed dry
Salt to taste
Now if I could just master the making (or finding locally) khoubiz!
Sigh, tonight I have to use that packaged Pita from the grocery store.
Hey, Debi - just found this post while moseying through your blog. We make our tabboule with couscous instead of cracked wheat, it gives it a lighter taste. Sometimes, I also make tabboule without any grains, and it's just fabulous with grilled meats, etc.. kind of like salsa cruda but with parsley!
Thanks for the couscous tip, Rima. That's good thinking.
I've also used brown rice, which means you can serve it to those that are wheat intolerant.
Or, like you suggested, without any grains, just yummy parsley etc.
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