No Spring nor Summers beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one Autumnal face.
-- John Donne
Goodbye, Summer. You were sweet and you were bitter. I won't look back. Here's a suggestion for Fall's theme music. (Thank you, Audrey. It's beautiful and really grows on you.)
Lovely picture. Yes, we are having some misty rainy days here at the moment. Though we seemed to be having summer the last few weeks, it feels very backendish now and the nights are drawing in.
Yes, goodbye you crazy sweet summer, I don't know what you were all about! Hopefully fall will bring us an Indian summer, that is what we need here.
There is a new album. You can buy it on iTunes. I love it.
Speaking of fall. Leaves are turning here too.
Ah relief is ahead. Already the mornings are just a tad cooler, but still hot during the afternoons. I'm glad Autumn is here because it is your favorite time of year.
Man, oh, man, am I ready for it to start cooling off too. Maybe I will have just a little more energy. Wish I could borrow some from this spunky 3 year old I know that is not bothered by the heat.
Bitter sweet indeed, you have captured the feeling with your picture of autumnal leaves, but with a clear blue sky behind. I've heard that's how you get the unusual colours in the leaves in the US, the effect of sunlight on the leaves, the New England in the Fall effect. We don't get the same sunshine, but when it is sunny the light is very intense.
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