After blogging every day (nearly) for a year, I'm giving myself a little time off. Even while I'm recharging, have no doubt I won't be able to resist lurking around your blogs, saying hello now and then.
Like Spring, I'll be here again soon, fresh and renewed :)
It's a crying shame, I always love coming to your blog. You can be proud of all the work you have done in the past year and this year, but you've got a new grandson, and it must have taken some time and effort. Also will miss your clever and exhuberant comments.
Also done the signing off in style, with the messenger bird over the thumbnails.
It is interesting how many of us have been needing time off. Lots of new growth and redirecting going on. I understand needing some space to decide what's next.
You work is beautiful, and I look forward to seeing more.
I'll miss you and your photos, but as long as you promise to come back soon, I suppose I can be patient. (I can't really, but I'll try.)
Sorry to see you off on a sabbatical and I hope it is only that and not a permanent goodbye.
I hope you have the time to come by and visit, but whatever you do, enjoy it and I hope you still have time to make lots of wonderful photographs.
Sometimes a break is a good thing. Enjoy the peace and quiet.
OK, this time the check really is in the mail this time....we wil miss you more than oxygen.
Nice graphic....I've been thinking of taking a week off to catch up on other things but I might just be too obsessed with getting just one more shot of LA. We'll see....I'll be checking up on your site but let me know when you're back in business.
Ditto everyone else! Have a great 'holiday' and enjoythat Grandson of yours!
You'll be missed. We all need this time. I'm getting ready to take some time soon myself.
Enjoy the rest!
Miss you.
Did you clean off the barn swallow bird poop that had landed on march 25? Bad bird.
Missing your lovely photo's Debi! I hope your are well:)
What a lovely sign-off, just like the bird fluttering its wings and coming back home from hibernation, I know you will be back soon, refreshed and renewed. You have gifted us with daily joys and we will always be here for you. I owe you a long email and I will be writing soon. Best to you and your family :)
"Dear prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear prudence won't you come out and play
Dear prudence open up your eyes
Dear prudence see the sunny skies
The wind is low the birds will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear prudence won't you open up your eyes?
Look around round
Look around round round
Look around
Dear prudence let me see you smile
Dear prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear prudence won't you let me see you smile?"
Debi- just wanted to say hello and hope you're enjoying your time off!
It's a nice feeling to abandon ship for awhile.
Hi! I couldn't agree more with every single comment here. It's been a long winter for all of us, eh? I know you'll be back, so I'm not worried.
HI Debi enjoy the time,it's almost Spring! I am kinda taking on less internet more art these days. Is Cates a married name or what?
Still miss U.
Two more days until the end of March... Hope you're doing well!
April 1 debbie - I miss ya. No presuure just a sly wink.
Say hi to Bobbie.
Where are you Cates person?
Look for ya every day.
Hi, this is the IRS. You do not have to file your taxes if you commence posting. You have 24 hours or you will be audited.
You've extended your time off by let's see...50%
I pop in every day a couple of times to see if you are coming to play.
Please come and play with us soon. It is May now and everything is pretty outside.
No explanations required and no need to make friends with us again - just COME OUT and PLAY
I wanna hold your hand..ringo.
Enough! Come back!
Where did you go?
Hey Debi Cates, come out and play now. The weather is nice outside. Did something bad happen to you?
Ok i need your images and inspiration.
Crap, you are so talented.
One pic a day - little or no narrative.
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