Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My personal pop quiz

Pop Quiz:

1. Take this moment to dump any thoughts not serving you with love and peacefulness.

2. Think of three things to be profoundly grateful for. Feel gratitude for them.

3. Who is at the wheel? If the direction is wrong, change drivers.

4. What does your body need right now?

5. The past is a fading photograph. The future is a sketch in pencil. Now is your only opportunity for full reality.

For a couple of weeks now, I've been stopping myself several times a day to contemplate these thoughts and questions. What would be your personal pop quiz that would encourage more joy in living?

Photo: On the trail, "Oh! It's a popweed!"


Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Welcome back to the land of blog, so lovely to see you here again!

Interesting pop quiz, I have no idea what I would ask myself if I did one but it's food for thought!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Glad to have you back. I've missed your posts. Like you I try to practice gratitude every day. But it's easy to forget to do it.

John M. Mora said...

"a friend with weed is a friend indeed." Good to see post....

Joe Hippie, San Francisco 1968

judith said...

Missed you! I may head your direction after Christmas. Email me your phone number and I'll call you when I get to Odessa.

judith said...

Missed you! I may head your direction after Christmas. Email me your phone number and I'll call you when I get to Odessa.

Debi said...

So nice of y'all to comment. And to have welcomed me back to blogland after such a long time. (Darn Facebook.) It feels nice to post again. I'll be trying to make the rounds to your blogs over the next few days. Wonderful things there, I'm sure!

J: I'll email you today. I worry I might have an old email address for you. Mine is listed in my profile, so drop me a line if you don't hear from me.

judith said...

only had one email address since dirt was new.

lebanesa said...

I do need to do the first on a regular basis.
Not chewing myself up with chewing over negative thoughts would be excellent... Wish I could have a dump half-hour once a week, but those thoughts pop up out of nowhere. Sometimes I'm wasting time giving a damn about things I don't give a damn about about!