Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Fasciation in a Sophora secundiflora (Texas Mountain Laurel)
Fasciation in a Sophora secundiflora, Texas Mountain Laurel
Time Machine Master Gardener's Garden, Odessa, Texas. Jan 19 2011

This odd fan form is not normal. It's is actually a kind of mutation at the cellular level, caused by a pest, genetics, damage, or other unknown factors. Some plants are prone to fasciation. I've seen it on several different specimens of the Sophora sedundiflora, one of my favorite Texas native trees. I think the form is beautiful. Apparently so do others, especially those gardeners that love, say, the cockscomb flower. Once you start looking for fascinating examples, you too will find fasciations.


Irene said...

That's how evolution works.

Bobbie said...

Wonder if Siamese twins are a form of fasciation. I have not seen it on a shrub before, often on the wild black eyed susans.