A poor quality picture, but I'm excited about this.
For several years, I've been watching and wishing for something like this band of slender trees along a neighbor's property line. You can't tell it right now in Spring, but soon you won't be able to see into their yard at all.
Not only do these trees, Chinese dates (Ziziphus jujuba, aka Jujube), make a fine living fence and would be perfect for the back of my property line, they also produce fruit in great abundance. The little "dates" are sweet and edible. The best part is the tree is quite happy in this region, fruiting and growing wildly well even in our hot, dry climate.
Like I've said before, in West Texas I haven't met a thriving tree I don't like.
So after eyeing these for years, I finally screwed up the courage to ask if they would mind letting me have one of the saplings growing near the road. Mind? Heck, I could have all the suckers I could dig, was the reply. The black tub you see in the foreground is filled with about ten little saplings, hopefully ready to be prolific for me. :) A big hug is owed to Jorge for digging them up for me yesterday evening.
According Wikipedia, the Ziziphus is thought to be originally native to Syria, and has been cultivated in China for 4,000 years!
That's wonderful! Where are you planting them?
Audrey, I'll be planting them today out in that wild back half of my lot, along the alley as a kind of fence. My first fruit trees of the orchard we've talked about :)
Ooo that will be nice. Are you going to find more to plant All around it? It could be a very nice haven, if you could close it in. block out Bobby's big a**ed shop and the dump on the other side.
Yes, I'll be planting more kinds of trees back there. And you are right, I'm planting trees back there to obscure the ugly view. And maybe one day, a nice 6 foot plank fence as well.
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