Has any one else seen the 2001 Czech film, Little Otik? I absolutely loved that weird, enchanting fairy-tale-movie about a childless couple who adopt a tree stump, which vaguely looks like a baby, and begin to raise it as their own, naming it Otesanek. When my daughter gave me this ficus bonsai, only a few inches high, I knew immediately I had my own adorable Little Otik. Isn't he sweet? At least he is right now...let's hope I don't have to get my hoe after him like the old woman gardener did in the film!
It reminds me of a mandrake root. I like it. (BTW - I just put Little Otik in my Queue)
What a cute little otik!
Little Otik has permanently scarred my psyche. You have to admire a movie that can do that.
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