Monday, June 04, 2007

Long Awkward Pose

According to their site, Long Awkward Pose, their purpose is to post videos of people waiting for their pictures to be taken. "It's simple, really. People look foolish when posing for a picture. So tell your loved ones you would like to take their photo... then secretly videotape them the whole time."
It gave me a good laugh this morning. Favorites are John (warning: adult language) and Pranksgiving with Mom holding that extraordinarily long smile pose, not to mention holding that pan!


lebanesa said...

it's even better when you have a new camera and think you can't work it, later you discover you have video of your feet, the ceiling all sorts of people in the room and your family making faces and laughing at you... when they think you can't see them....
I know this, trust me

lebanesa said...

The camerawoman is so great - how come they don't guess when she is cracking up like that.
thanks I loved it

Audrey said...

Pranksgiving is GREAT! There is a video of me like that that David did.... Ass. It's embarrassing. I won't post it.