Sunday, August 19, 2007

Two Things for 2007-08-19

Two Things, "Substance" & "Style"

I'm immersed in the bathroom spiff-up, so it won't come as a surprise that my Two Things come from that project. The goop on the left is Joint Compound, stuff they use when installing dry wall to make the joints between the pieces. I have no idea if this is what you are supposed to use for creating wall texture, but it's what I'm using and have used before. The picture on the right is the texture (before painting) that I created with the compound and a paint roller.


Hannah's Mom said...

Great idea!! Wonderful Idea!! Love it!!

lebanesa said...

looks great. We buy something called textured paint here - not sure if it is the same thing. Looks as if you are getting through the work.

Bobbie said...

What a creative idea for 2 things. Me? Well I am still thinking.

Irene said...

What a hard worker you are! We do have something called textured paint here too, but it doesn't give nearly those kinds of results. You must have very powerful arm muscles! Could you come here and paint the base boards? They really need to get done and nobody here will do them.

Debi said...

LOL, Irene. Um, I still have MY baseboards to paint.

Textured paint? What the ...? Actually, I don't think that would do enough for this old bathroom. Too many dings, holes, and patches. That's part of what the joint compound did for me -- it allowed me to fill, smooth, and generally hide them. And what I couldn't fix, I textured more thickly over.