Sunday, September 16, 2007

For Hala, healed

Pearl of the Orient

I don't know Hala, niece-in-law to Rima, but while catching up with blogs this morning, I was so struck by her beauty and could easily envision her healed. I immediately stopped commenting and went to Photoshop to take her up on sending a virtual card made out of her photo.

Here's to all positive news, warm healing light, and to a lifetime of treasures for you, Hala.


Rima said...

What a wonderful gift, Debi. I am certain all this kindess is helping Hala feel better, and if there is truly a cosmic connection, then all of this will help her heal as well.

I can't tell you how touched I am.

lebanesa said...

Wow - you have captured her lovely expression.
from what she's saying it sounds as if all this positive energy has helped, she's made incredible progress.

Irene said...

I didn't realize you were such an artist, Debi. You sure did a wonderful job on that painting. I wonder how you managed to do such a wonderful thing? I am really amazed, even though you had a good subject to start with, of course. I just didn't know that was possible in photoshop!
You did really great!

Bobbie said...

Beautiful work, Debi!

Frances, I totally agree..all this positive energy can only have a positive effect on her.