Star Mfg Co, Okla City
I had to explain to the grumpy guy who owned this old oil field yard what I was doing taking pictures of his stuff. I put on my most innocent, sweet smile and said "Just taking pretty pictures." He wasn't exactly friendly after that, but he did change his mind about shooting me.
I think I need to make up some business cards to hand to people when they wonder what the heck I'm up to, to give a little more credence to my "work." If not, a headline might read "Blog Shooter Shot!"
Great picture and great story to go with it!
I love this rusty old star. I think it is the best of the rusty oil field stuff. Why not ask permission first? Most folks would say yes, especially after you give them your card describing yourself as a writer.
p.s. And maybe keep a small portfolio of your work so you can show them that you are harmless.egt
Are you harmless, Debi? LOL
I think your mother is right, as always. If you ask permission it gives you a nice conversation with people. Also they may be able to show you something they treasure and so you may get to see things you otherwise wouldn't, ancient machinery and tools and memorabilia. You never can tell. With your pretty face and winning smile, who could refuse.
Reminds me of when you were taking a picture of the dancer statue's face, people must have wondered what you were up to then LOL Pics are worth it, though. Don't know anything about oil fields, but am starting to get the picture from reading your blog....
Hey Girl ~~ were you actually in Oklahoma when you took that picture (and risked your life (ha)? What a neat star and I am surely glad the ole grouch mellowed instead of shooting.
Keep 'em coming. I love em.
Oooooh, dangerous hobby! Watch out for that pitchfork! LOL! Great angle for a great pic :)
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