John and Nickels
I'm not especially good at taking photographs of people, I get nervous for some reason. But when I get one I like, I usually like it a lot. And this picture of my son in law, John, is one I like. This was taken last weekend, when he had just returned home from a shift at the fire station, where he is a captain. The little flower in his ear was put there by his daughter Katlynn.
What a lovely looking man - looks so cheery and kind. Your daughters make good choices, eh? Bet Katlynn adores him.
Great photo Debi! Love the flower Katlynn put behind his ear... And what a man for enjoying it!! :)
Sweet! and soon he'll be getting twice as much love when the baby comes
He looks VERY nice
I love this picture! He is really a great guy for having a photo with a flower, but I think he is very secure anyway!
What a great smile. Must love you all very much to allow you to snap a photo like that (I mean the flower). Love the horses too. Are these yours??
What a nice cheerful looking man, the right kind to take home to introduce to your mother! He looks lovely with the flower behind his ear.
`sexy whistle` That's right, he's my man. ha ha ha
And as anyone can tell, very secure in his manhood to be photographed with a flower behind his ear and posted on a blog. Thank you all for your nice comments about him.
Neda - those horses are ours. The gray mare is Nickels and she is getting on up in age, about 15 or 16. The paint gelding is Guy Ritchy and is only 4'ish. He's Guy Ritchy because he came after Nickel's was well established with us and was just known as Nickel's husband for a while, like Madonna's Guy. They have no children together since well he is a gelding...but they live happily together on this little farm we have.
Isn't there a photo somewhere of John wearing one of Antigone's shirts?! Not that I'd suggest posting it or anything. Just pointing out how secure John is in his manhood. He's a great guy. (And a bit of a ham! =P)
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