Windmill grass
West Odessa, Texas
It's not often at this time of year I see windmill grass looking like this. By now most of its structure has blown away, leaving only bare, scraggly arms. This one, though, is pretty enough for a picture. All the dark seeds are long gone, only the golden papery pods somehow hung on.
The color is wonderful, all golden like something that might be found in heaven.
I like the way you are photographing leaves and grasses in their 'golden' years.
Their precise and patterned form makes them pleasing aesthetically and you can see how well they have been designed for their function. This one almost looks like a little conveyer belt in seed production, with each little pod holding a new seed.
..casting off a newly minted seed...
Very beautiful, Debi. Excellent photograph, as usual.
Stunning image Debi, the light was perfect!
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