Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Don't Go Into the Light!

Various moths attracted to the porch light

I've admired that little green moth for a while. Yesterday I attempted to take pictures of all the different moths that were hanging out there under the porch light. Well, I didn't get them all, but these four give a good idea of the variety. Imagine them in real life as much much smaller, though.

That last one, the one that looks like a drop of bird doo, made me laugh, poor guy. Good camouflage, though!


Bobbie said...

I believe the last one is a Bird Dropping Moth :) What beautiful creatures they are! Your macro lens has a way of finding all these wonderful things, doesn't it?

Irene said...

Girl, you make a true art out of photography, don't you? They are beautiful. I always look forward to the next picture. That camera you have is great. I am going to look that one up.

Bev said...

Funny about the bird doo moth! What an indignity. I bet no one takes him seriously.

You have large, colourful and exotic moths in Texas. Ours are small and brown.

Artists With Artitude said...

Debi, thank you for your good wishes. Sorry I did not have time to write (somehow the images did not upload on my %6$* laptop here lately). I promise I will re-visit all your latest entries as soon as I get back home. Kisses and see ya soon!

Rima said...

All this poopy talk, sounds like my house.
Eleanor, EVERYTHING is large and colourful is Texas, including Texan hearts, possibly the best thing about the Lone Star State.
I've always felt that moths were the poorer cousins of butterflies, with all the shabby treatment and dismissal this entails. This is totally unfair because, as you've just proven, they can be as delicate and fascinating as their flamboyant and adulated relatives. Kinda like me and my sister. Me being the moth, 'course.