Me and my arrow
Straighter than narrow
Wherever we go, everyone knows
It's me and my arrow
--Harry Nilsson, 1971
That's what I've christened my new bike, "Arrow." Its name came to me from a dream I had this morning. (Does anyone else dream about songs?) And it's an appropriate name, too, as you'll see.
This is the extra bike of Audrey and David's that I rode when visiting them in New York a few months back. I enjoyed it so much that they shipped it to me! (Thank you, Audrey & David.) It's been at the bike shop having a tune up.
I could hardly wait to pick it up after work yesterday. The afternoon was cool and overcast, the perfect day to take my first bike ride. I got about 3/4 mile from home when suddenly I didn't feel like I had good control. I had just begun thinking, "What the ...?," when I felt myself going a** over tea kettle onto the road.
Turns out, the handle bars weren't properly tightened and as I rode it must have got looser and looser. Although I was steering, the front wheel was free to do as it pleased! I picked myself up off the pavement, checked for physical injuries, and looked around to see who might be laughing at me. I walked it back home, feeling a tad less enthusiastic. I wanted to cry, but once home instead figured out what was loose and proudly fixed it myself -- hopefully making it "straight as an arrow" now.
I've vowed to ride again today, following the old adage that after being thrown from a horse the best thing to do is to get back in the saddle. And for encouragement, I'm going to remember my first bike, "Nellie Belle," a good horse if ever there was one. (Thank you, Mom & Dad.)

Wow, I LOVE Arrow! You will be straight as an arrow now that you have gotten the handlebars tightened. Why is it when we take a fall we are always embarrassed? Like it was our fault somehow. I recently took one off my mower into the middle of my road and someone actually saw me and offered to help me get the mower out of the ditch and was I ok. How nice to find such chivalry in today's society.
Nellie Bell was a good ole bike wasn't she? And I love this picture.
Brave gal. That's the way, fix it and get back on. - that's what I say, but there again, I can't ride a bike. I envy you Nellie Bell. She was a special one.
The bike in the lovely old picture looks bigger than you but it sure matches your beautiful outfit. Lovely little girl:) I love to bkie...Hey maybe you can bike all the way to Austin sometime, huh?
Nellie Belle must have been your pride and joy - so shiny in its crimson beauty! What a lovely image and memory.
I think from now on, you and your "Arrow" are going to be inseperable - unless you're hauling groceries of course. Or Katlynn's toys
What a good story with a happy ending, Debi. Nice to have such a good bike around. Bike riding is really good for your condition. Look at me!
This is a great story Debi. Good on you for going fuel-less and for not giving up!
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